Get Involved

Together We Make a Difference

The eBay community has already raised over $1B for charities—and we’re not about to stop now. With so many options to engage, there’s something for everyone: Shoppers, Sellers and Charities. Join us and see why eBay has become one of the world’s most active giving communities.

Charitable Organizations

Attract new supporters and boost your fundraising on eBay.

Charity Sellers

If your charity has access to quality inventory—like donated items or branded merchandise—sell it on eBay. Charity Sellers pay a low Final Value fee of 2% + $0.40 per transaction on sales ($0.30 on sales under $10).

eBay Community Donations

Invite your supporters to sell on your behalf. eBay sellers can set up any listing to direct 10–100% of their sales proceeds to your charity—helping you raise vital funds with every transaction. PayPal Giving Fund receives donations from eBay sellers and grants them monthly to the benefiting charities. Get enrolled as an eBay charity today.

Gifts that Give Back

Give your supporters a unique and easy way to share your cause with those they love. Use our tools to create symbolic Gifts that Give Back that are the perfect fit for every occasion.

Gifts that Give Back Gifts that Give Back

Favorite a Charity

Ask your supporters to add your charity to their “My Favorites” on eBay. We’ll personalize their experience to make it easier for them to benefit your charity when they buy and sell. Find your Charity Profile page in our Charity Search and share the link with your supporters.

Make a Difference Now

Here are ways you can have an immediate impact.

Sell for a Cause

Our symbolic charitable donations make the perfect gift for any gifting occasion.

Shop with Purpose

Bid on unique items and experiences or shop at our featured charities’ stores.

Enroll (EIN)

Enroll (Charity)

Enroll (Register)

Charity Results (Charity)

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